
Heraclitus: Everything flows, and nothing abides, everything gives way, and nothing stays fixed.

Plato, Cratylus

Starting from the curtain, mountains on stage right, lifespan of millennia, closer, a half collapsed building riddled with bullets, lifespan of centuries, closer, a shepherd standing amid the rubble, lifespan of decades, closer, a blur of sheep running across the frame, lifespan of years—captured on a medium format in a long exposure.

The composition transposing the Y-axis of a geographic stratum on the Z-axis of the photograph. The mountains forming the baseline constituting a waiting history, the rubble a receding past, the shepherd a quotient of the past-present, the sheep passage of time—breaking the illusion of discreet space. The viewer constituting the stratum corneum, observing from an unfixed future-present.

Or more succinctly, an image of a wave, the peak at the mountain, the sheep at trough, the shepherd at the midway—a place holder for a past self seemingly returning our gaze.


1. Norfolk, Simon. Afghanistan: Chronotopia. Stockport: Dewi Lewis Publication, 2002. Print.
2. Plato. Plato: Complete Works. Translated by John M. Cooper and D. S. Hutchinson, Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, 1997. Print.